Earthquake Bowl
Recently we received an email from some good customers in Eagle River, Alaska, who own several of Ted’s dizzy bowls. One was a bowl we named Marmalade because its color scheme resembled the orange stuff you’d spread on toast. Unfortunately, it was a casualty of the November 2018 magnitude 7.1 earthquake that caused millions of […]
Dizzy Bowls We Have Known and Loved
Over the past year, Ted created a series of Dizzy Bowls that sold almost as quickly as he could make them. Dizzy Bowls are segmented bowls that are constructed, starting at the top, from a series of rings. The process is time-consuming and requires meticulous accuracy in cutting and laminating the various woods that make […]
What Is A Dizzy Bowl?
After watching a YouTube video by Dennis Edwards on a unique type of segmented bowl called a Dizzy Bowl, Ted decided to give it a try. He started by cutting and gluing together different widths of butternut, walnut, padauk, dyed veneer, phoebe, cherry, maple, bloodwood, purpleheart, lacewood, spalted alder, and figured maple. Out of this block, he cut four […]